New Job Away From Home? Relocation Tips This Way.

Moving to a new city and taking on a new job? This can be exciting and also stressful time – there are so many factors to consider, including settling into a new environment and mastering a new role (while striving to impress!). It can be an intense experience but, with some planning and forethought, it doesn’t have to be a negative one. When it comes to your new job, we’ve got some handy tips to get you settled.

Job Relocation

Tips for a successful relocation:

  • Plan, plan, plan. The most important thing to do when relocating is to have a plan. Make pre-move and post-move work checklists and organise all the logistics well in advance so that you’re not left panicking at the last moment. What will you need to be organised and settled in your new work space? Make a list and get it before you go. Being organised will help you to feel in control and make sure your move is smooth and hassle-free.


  • Use available resources. Does your new company have an orientation programme or mentorship initiative? What about a new employees’ ‘club’? Learn what is available to you and use it to help you settle in faster and more comfortably. Meeting those in the know as well as those in the same position as you will help you to feel less lonely and more at home in your new work environment.


  • Get to know your new office space. Once relocated, take some time to get to know your new environment before settling down to do the actual work. It might seem silly but knowing simple things like where the bathroom is and how to get coffee every morning can help ease your transition to a new workplace and calm unnecessary nerves. It’s also a good idea to observe and understand company culture so that you can find your place in it and become part of a new team.


  • It’s also a good idea to try and establish some social connections that go beyond working relationships. Ask your new colleagues about joining a sports or community group or speak to your friends about how they can connect you to acquaintances who live in your new city and share your interests. Establishing a social circle as soon as possible can help to stave off feelings of loneliness as well as show you what your new home has to offer outside of the work space which, in turn, will make work more pleasant.


  • Set work-focused goals. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish at work in the next three weeks, three months, and into the future. A set of clear work-based goals will give something to focus on and work towards, improving your productivity and motivation to do well. Goal setting with a positive attitude is sure to get you off to a great start.


  • Pause when necessary. When it starts to feel like you’ve taken on too much, stop, breathe, and focus on what’s important. Remind yourself why you have chosen to go into this new role and focus on the job and what it is offering you. Then just take a step at a time.


  • Make your job your priority. Relocating takes a lot of time, effort, and energy. Make sure your new position gets the attention it deserves in the midst of everything else you will have going on. So, when you’re at work, make sure you’re at work and give of your best. If it takes a few more weeks to unpack your new kitchen than planned, what’s the issue?

Moving to a new city and want to find a job there? If you’re already on the go, we can help! As professional recruiters, the team at Lee Botti and Associates are experts at helping our candidates conduct a comprehensive job search with the aim of finding them the job they deserve. Contact us and find a job you love, wherever you are in SA.